IMPaCT® audit tool
Audit software that allows remote monitoring of every aspect of a care home business.
Combined with our experience, IMPaCT® delivers a clear and objective view of every aspect of a care home business.
Each IMPaCT® Audit is carried out by an experienced auditor with many years of operational experience.
The results of the audit process are then interpreted so that any stakeholder, no matter what their level of experience, can instantly see how a service is performing, what its strengths and weaknesses are, what the main risks may be and what their priorities are for ensuring the service delivers the best possible levels of care.
What does IMPaCT® offer?
A clear, concise and objective view of every aspect of a care home business
Through the use of graphs, tables and colour, you can very quickly see what is of interest and concern. The extensive use of generally accepted indicators, Red – of concern, Amber – be wary, Green– ok, directs attention intuitively to what’s important.

Cloud-based portal accessible through your web browser
The IMPaCT® portal system is accessed through your web browser. This means that there is no requirement to load up any additional software. Portal is easy to access in Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox and Chrome or any of the usual browsers, on any platform, and through any device be it PC, iMac, Smartphone or Tablet.

Development plans for operators

Visible quality monitoring
We feel that not only should information be easy to access but that it should be easy to understand.
In order to make it easy for users to track progress, much of the information is provided in a simple to access graphical format.
See trends instantly and compare service performance at a glance.